GURPS 4 House Rules
Section 3 - Disadvantages

HR3.1 Bad Smell - B124

Grants 20 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.2 Bully - B125

Grants 20 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.3 Callous - B125

Grants 10 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.4 Clueless - B126

Grants 20 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1. You suffer -2 Saviour-Faire skills on top of the -2 penalty from the reaction bonus.

HR3.5 Disciplines of Faith (Mysticism) - B132

Grants 20 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.6 Foreign Culture Tolerance

-1 points/level

You don't notice or care as much when others fail to understand your culture. Culture familiarity penalties equal to your Foreign Culture Tolerance level (up to 3) are ignored for any skill applied to you. This is does not prevent people making cultural gaffes, they just matter less as far as you're concerned. This is a cinematic ability!

HR3.7 Ham-Fisted - B138

The penalty applies to all skills listed under High Manual Dexterity (B59), Electronics Repair, Machinist and Mechanic, unless the work is crude, as well as Fast-Draw.

HR3.8 No Sense of Humour - B146

The description is a little strong and a character with this trait need not be entirely humourless. Grants 20 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.9 No Sense of Smell/Taste - B146

A -4 penalty applies to skills that use smell or taste, such as Connoisseur (Wine), Cooking or Herb Lore.

HR3.10 Oblivious - B146

Grants 10 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.11 Odious Personal Habit - B22

Grants 10 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.12 Sadism - B152

Grants 30 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.13 Shyness - B154

Grants 10 points (Mild), 20 points (Severe) or 40 points (Crippling).

HR3.14 Social Disease - B155

Grants 10 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.15 Social Stigma - B155

Granted points are doubled as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

Psychic: You are a registered psychic. Though your abilities are restricted by law or convention, people are still worried that you might discover their secrets or invade their privacy and typically react at -1.-5 points.

HR3.16 Stubbornness - B157

Grants 10 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.

HR3.17 Stuttering - B157

Grants 20 points as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1. The -2 penalty also applies toSinging.

HR3.18 Supernatural Features - B157

Granted points are doubled as reaction modifiers have greater effect. See HR7.1.