GURPS 4 Babylon 5
Character Creation: Psionics
Super powers
Psionics is the study and ability of paranormal activity using conscious thought. Although the genes responsible for such abilities are known, it is still a mystery how they work. It is rumoured that the ancient races, including the Vorlons, mastered psionics but little evidence is available. The younger races must work with training techniques learnt through trial and error, a few devices and some preposterous theories. The Vorlon's genetic interference to create psionics is only revealed later in the Babylon 5 timeline.
There are two types of psionic ability, telepathy and ESP, with the former by far the most common. Telekinesis is also known to exist but this is ignored in the game. Most telepathy abilities can be detected by other teeps and blocked by hi-tech psi-jammers and, thus, subject to the Telepathic (-10%) limitation. ESP abilities cannot be detected or blocked at all and are NOT subject to the ESP limitation. Characters may have levels in Telepathy Talent and ESP Talent, which add bonuses to abilities of the appropriate type. It is possible to have a Talent and no abilities of that type but this represents raw talent with no training and isn't recommended. An adult character created without any psionic ability or Talent will rarely be allowed to develop any later. A character with any telepathic ability or Telepathy Talent is known as a 'teep'. A character with any ESP ability or ESP Talent is an 'esper'. Both types are collectively known as a 'psykers' though most people confuse this with 'teep'. A character's in-game 'psi rating' is equal to his highest psionic Talent × 2 + 1. A character with no abilities or Talents has no psi rating.
In Babylon 5, cultures have different attitudes towards privacy and secrecy and, thus, impose different requirements on psykers. Races have different potential and developed different levels of psionic training. A character may not take an ability or Talent with a level that exceeds the appropriate, racial maximum. For example, a Human cannot take Precognition nor ESP Talent 2.
Most cultures detect psionic potential during adolescence and require registration but this can be avoided if the point cost of all psionic abilities is below the registration threshold. If a character is registered, he must take the Social Stigma (Psychic) [-5] disadvantage (see HR3) and take the required Code of Honour. Psykers who have little regard for honour are regarded as dangerous, renegades or sociopaths and are either confined or suppressed by drugs. Consult the descriptions below.
Abbai; Registration required (15 points or more); Max Tele Level 4; Max ESP Level 3
Abbai regard telepathy as a boon to community building, especially with alien races. Pykers are usually attached to government (Marti), local representative (Onshai) or police (Paatar) offices but free agents are permitted. In keeping with their matriarchial government, males can only be Paatar agents at best. Though a training academy exists, rules and enforcement have yet to be formalised. Fortunately, Abbai are not inclined to abuse uncertainty for selfish ends. Nonetheless, informal rules are as follows.
Mind reading or affecting abilities may not be used without good reason, such as suspecting mental illness, criminal activity or risk to national security; if the subject's permission is not sought, inform the appropriate authority as soon as possible; strive to use your gifts to build and defend communities; only use your gifts to cause harm in defence of the community; always wear the garb of an Abbai psyker. Infractions range from ostracization to rare execution with harmful selfishness being the worst.
Take Social Stigma (Psychic) [-5]. Teeps take Code of Honour (Abbai Psychic) [-10].
Brakiri; Registration required (15 points or more); Max Tele Level 4; Max ESP Level 4
Brakiri value wealth and economics and understand the advantage of information. They are also superstitious and treat the few with Precognition ability as stars, enabling a higher Status. Many psykers are employed by the Ivolia or Ascap companies but talented independents can be found.
Mind reading or affecting abilities, including Precognition, may not be used without the subject's permission or court order; any information discovered cannot be revealed unless it is a serious crime, required by court order or permitted by the subject; you must declare your stocks and shares; psychic capabilites must be stated before any negotiations (fixed price purchases do not count). Infractions range from fines to loss of licence with insider trading being the worst.
Take Social Stigma (Psychic) [-5]. Teeps and those with Precognition take Code of Honour (Brakiri Psychic) [-15].
Centauri; Teep registration required (15 points or more); Max Tele Level 5; Max ESP Level 5
Centauri value ambition and do not want their plans revealed but regard psykers as a useful resource. All teeps not working for the secret service or official duties must be registered with the Telepath's Guild but are otherwise free agents subject to guild rules.
Guild members may only use Mind reading or affecting abilities against unwilling subjects if contracted to do so (sadly, infractions against aliens tend to be overlooked); the terms and limits of such contracts must be registered with the Guild beforehand; always maintain the neutral but mercenary reputation of the Guild; Guild membership should be stated, even to aliens, unless this would blow undercover work. Infractions range from fines to imprisonment with bringing the Guild into disrepute being the worst.
Espers with the power of Precognition should avoid touching other people's skin as unexpectedly seeing one's future is perturbing.
Teeps take Social Stigma (Psychic) [-5] and Code of Honour (Centauri Psychic) [-10] except members of the secret service.
Drazi; No registration required; Max Tele Level 2; Max ESP Level 1
Drazi are brutally honest, regard mind reading a Drazi as pointlessly revealing what he's already told you and those affected by mind control as needing a better understanding of In-shala (MPL93). If an alien fails to keep his secrets from a Drazi, he did not deserve to have them. This is not a form of 'might is right'. Alas, Drazi aren't talented psykers. Though teeps are formally trained, no formal register or code of behaviour exists.
Take Social Stigma (Psychic) [-5]. Though no formal register or code of honour exists, Drazi teeps often state that they have psychic abilities as 'fair warning' and word gets around.
Human; Registration required (5 points or more); Max Tele Level 5; Max ESP Level 4
Humans value privacy and have a history of paranoia about teeps. Detected teeps accept 'sleeper' drugs, join Psi Corps or go rogue. PCs are freelancers nominally attached to the commercial division of Psi Corps. The occasional Psi Cop only bothers with those who work against the Corps.
Minbari; Registration required (15 points or more); Max Tele Level 5; Max ESP Level 4
Minbari value spiritual wellbeing and regard psionics as an aid. Psykers are usually affiliated with hospitals, temples or charities and suffer few, legal restrictions but are expected to maintain higher, moral standards. Social Stigma (Psychic) does not apply to other Minbari but Minbari still distrust alien teeps.
Mind reading or affecting abilities, including Precognition, may not be used without good reason, such as suspecting mental illness, criminal activity or risk to national security; if the subject's permission is not sought, consult psychologists or the subject's superiors or friends as soon as possible; strive to use your gifts to help others; only use your gifts to cause harm as a last resort; always wear the garb of a Minbari psyker. Infractions range from ostracization to re-education with harmful use being the worst.
Take Social Stigma (Psychic) [-5] and Code of Honour (Minbari Psychic) [-10].
There are no Narn psykers.
Vree; Teep registration required (5 points or more); Max Tele Level 4; Max ESP Level 1
All Vree are telepathically linked with each other almost like a hive mind. They are sticklers for rules but rarely have a concept of honour or respect for privacy. Teeps capable of telepathy with other races follow a code of conduct to avoid needless antagonism but needs can change, especially of the current mission.
Constructing Psionic Abilities
Like most GURPS advantages, an ability can be created from a base ability and applying various modifiers. Total modifiers can never be less than -80%. Only the abilities below exist and only the modifiers listed with it can be applied. To possess a telepathic or ESP ability, the ability level must not exceed the maximum allowed for the character's race.
360° Vision; ESP level 5; 25 points; B34
You have a 360° field of vision even when blinded, though you still need light. You have no penalty to defend against attacks from the sides or rear: You can attack foes to your sides or rear without making a Wild Swing, but you are at -2 to hit due to the clumsy angle of attack (note that some Karate techniques do not suffer this penalty). Finally, you are at +5 to detect Shadowing attempts, and are never surprised by a danger that comes from behind, unless it also is concealed from sight.
Modifier | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Panoptic 2 | Yes | +60% | P39 |
Acute Psionic Sense; Tele (see notes); 2 points/level; B35
Adds to Detect (Psionics) and Detect (Sentient Beings) Sense Rolls. Maximum 10 levels. Minimum Racial Talent is 1 for 1 to 4 levels; 2 for 5 or 6 levels; 3 for 7 or 8 levels; 4 for 9 or 10 levels.
Affliction; Tele level 4; 10 points/level; B35, P39
You may stun someone at a distance by concentrating. You must win a Quick Contest of your Will modified by Telepathic Talent and range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table against your opponent's Will plus 1 and any Mind Shield level minus Affliction level.
If you win, the victim is stunned (B420) and he may roll Will plus 1 minus Affliction level at the end of every second to recover.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Based on Will | Yes | +20% | B102 | |||
Malediction 2 | Yes | +150% | B106 | |||
No Signature | Yes | +20% | B106 | |||
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 | Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. | ||
Costs Fatigue | -5%/level | B111 | Costs 1 FP/level per attempt. | |||
Long Range 1 | +50% | 5 | P108 | Improves range penalties to Long Distance Modifiers table (B241). You must still detect the target directly. Viewing on a CCTV camera doesn't count. | ||
Long Range 2 | +100% | 5 | P108 | Eliminate range penalties. You must still detect the target directly. Viewing on a CCTV camera doesn't count. |
Danger Sense; ESP level 2; 15 points; B47, P46
You can't depend on it, but sometimes you get this prickly feeling right at the back of your neck, and you know something's wrong... If you have Danger Sense, the GM rolls once against your Perception plus ESP Talent, secretly, in any situation involving an ambush, impending disaster, similar incident. On a success, you get enough of a warning that you can take action. A roll of 3 or 4 means you get a little detail as to the nature of the danger.
If you have Precognition, you already have this ability; do not take both.
Detect (Sentient Beings); Tele level 3; 30 points; B48, P47
You may detect sentient beings (besides yourself), including animals, regardless of intervening material except those with Mind Shield that you fail to overcome (B70; GM rolls this in secret). Requires one second of concentration and the GM makes a secret Sense Roll plus your Acute Psionic Senses and Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table. On a auccess, you learn the direction and number of beings, though not precisely. Make an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent to analyze; the greater the margin of success, the more details are known, as follows.
- 0 or more - whether beings are sapient.
- 2 or more - whether beings are conscious.
- 4 or more - species of beings.
- critical success - vague mood of beings, such as hostility or happiness.
The minimum, Telapthy racial level is 2 if taken with the Vague modifier.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Precise | +100% | 4 | B48 |
On successful Sense Roll, learn precise distance as well as precise direction and number. Incompatible with Vague. |
Vague | -70% | 2 | B48 |
Only detect presence or absence and no analysis is allowed. This will detect your colleagues. Incompatilble with Precise. |
Detect (Telepathy); Tele level 1; 5 points; B48, P47
You may detect any use of a telepathic ability by a teep or on a target except Detect and Mindshield abilities, which are passive. You must be nearby the teep, nearby any targets or within twice the radius of a broadcast Telesend. Requires one second of concentration and the GM makes a secret Sense Roll plus your Acute Psionic Senses and Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table. The range penalty does not apply for broadcasts but add +4 if within the broadcast radius.
On a success, you learn the direction and number of incidents, though not precisely. Make an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent to analyze; the greater the margin of success, the more details are known, as follows.
- 0 or more - type of ability.
- 2 or more - level of psionic Talent.
- 4 or more - target of ability; contents of an intercepted Telesend message.
- critical success - all above and modifiers of ability.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Precise | +100% | 2 | B48 |
On successful Sense Roll, learn precise distance as well as precise direction and number. Incompatible with Vague. |
Reflexive | +40% | 2 | P109 |
Automatically detect psionics at -4 to Sense Roll. |
Vague | -50% | 1 | B48 |
Only detect presence or absence and no analysis is allowed. Incompatible with Precise. |
Elastic Skin; Tele level 5; 20 points; B51, P48
You can compel people to see you as another member of your species, if they fail a Will roll (see Glamour limitation below). Levels of Mind Shield add to Will. This takes 10 seconds and requires a Disguise roll plus Telepathic Talent to mimic a particular individual. You receive +4 to all other Disguise rolls. Machines are not affected.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Glamour | Yes | Variable | P111 |
The Will modifier depends on the discount. -5% requires Will-5. Each additional -5% adds +1 to the Will roll, making -30% for Will and -50% for Will+4. |
Telepathic | Yes | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Reduced Time | +20%/ level |
Each level reduces preparation in half (round up). Level 1 is 5 seconds; level 2 is 3; level 3 is 2; level 4 is 1 second; level 5 is instantaneous. |
Empathy; Tele level 2; 15 points; B51, P48
When you meet someone, you may ask the GM to make a Quick Contest of IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent against Will and any Mind Shield levels and tell you what you "feel" about him, such as loyalty or sincererity. On a failure, the GM lies. You get +3 Detect Lies, Fortune Telling and Psychology with someone you can converse with.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Resistable | Yes | -20% | B115,P105 |
Yes, I know this only applies to Innate Attack and the value is wrong. |
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Illusion; Tele level 5; 25 points; P94
You can alter someone's perceptions, making him see something that is plausible, such as subtle edits, fabrications or hiding people. It's all in his head and it can't physically affect him. Make a Quick Contest of your IQ plus Telepathic Talent against Will plus any Mind Shield levels. Special effects may also require a Quick Contest of Artist (Illusion) skill roll against higher of IQ or Will. Impersonating someone requires a Quick Contest of lower of Acting and Artist (Illusion) against his IQ or Will. Aspects of the illusion fail if seems nonsensical.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Mental 2 | Yes | +80% | HRP2.1 | |||
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Independence | +40% | B95 |
You don't need conentration to maintain your illusions and they can respond in simple ways. Changing those illusions or making them converse still requires concentration. |
Intuition; ESP level 2; 15 points; B63, P56
You usually guess right. When faced with a number of alternatives, and no logical way to choose among them, you can ask the GM to let you use your Intuition. The GM makes a secret IQ plus ESP Talent and the number of "good" choices minus the number of "bad choices". On a success, he steers you to a good choice; on critical success, he tells you the best choice. On a failure, he gives you no information; on a critical failure, he steers you towards a bad choice. The GM can modify this as he sees fit for other situations where Intuition might logically help. For example, in a crime scene with only a limited amount of time for forensics, Intuition can reveal the spot of a vital clue. Only one roll per question is allowed.
This does not allow you to ask plot-stopping questions. Instead, you will get useful clues.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Costs Fatigue | -5%/level | B111 |
Costs 1 FP/level per attempt. |
Invisibility; Tele level 5; 40 points; B63, P56
You can compel people to subconsciously filter you out as unimportant or someone else's problem, effectively making you invisible, if they fail a Will roll (see Glamour limitation below). Targets with Mind Shield add its level to Will. This illusion fails if you cause trouble or do something of concern, such as pointing a gun, shutting down the central mainframe or remain in an off-limits area. Machines are not affected.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Can Carry Objects (Heavy) | Yes | +100% | B63 | |||
Glamour | Yes | Variable | P111 |
The Will modifier depends on the discount. -5% requires Will-5. Each additional -5% adds +1 to the Will roll, making -30% for Will and -50% for Will+4. |
Someone Else's Problem | Yes | -20% | HR2.6 | |||
Switchable | Yes | +10% | B63 | |||
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Costs Fatigue | -5%/level | B111 |
Costs 1 FP/level for the first minute and half this per subsequent minute. |
Selective Area | +20% | B108, P105 |
You may select who sees you, especially your allies. |
Mind Control; Tele level 4; 50 points; B68, P61
You can telepathically suggest a course of action that seems reasonable to the subject at face value, much like the Fast Talk skill (B195). The command need not be precise but are interpreted according to the subject's perspective. You must see or touch the subject, concentrate for a second and win a Quick Contest of your IQ modified by Telepathic Talent and range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table against his Will plus any Mind Shield levels. If successful, he will proceed to carry this out for one minute per point he lost the Quick Contest. He might realise his mistake afterwards. If unsuccessful, the subject dismisses the idea as an odd thought.
If the command isn't quite something he'd consider reasonable, he may do something else similar. Any attempt to suggest a command that is plainly stupid, pointless, suicidal or against the subject's nature fails.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Fast Talk | Yes | -60% | HR2.7 | |||
Independent | Yes | +70% | B61 | |||
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Costs Fatigue | -5%/level | B111 |
Costs 1 FP/level per attempt. |
Mind Probe; Tele level 4; 20 points; B69, P61
You can perform a deep "mind probe." In effect, you can force the subject to answer any one specific question that he can answer with a brief sentence. To attempt a probe, you must first either touch your subject or successfully read his mind with Mind Reading. You must also share a language with him.
To use a Mind Probe, you must concentrate for one second and roll a Quick Contest of your IQ or Interrogation plus Telepathic Talent against his Will plus any Mind Shield level. If you win, you rip the answer from his mind - he knows the answer has been revealed. The answer is what the subject believes to be true - if he doesn't know, he'll tell you. If you lose, you may try again, at a cumulative -2 per repeated attempt to ask the same (or very similar) question in the past hour. Should you critically fail, you cannot probe that person again for 24 hours.
You may use Mind Probe to ask as many questions as you wish, but each question is a new use of your ability, and requires a second of concentration and its own Quick Contest.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Costs Fatigue | -5%/level | B111 |
Costs 1 FP/level per attempt. |
Universal | +50% | B69 |
You may read non-sapient beings and with those you don't share a common language. |
Mind Reading; Tele level 3; 30 points; B69, P61
You can eveasdrop on the surface thoughts of someone you can see or touch. You must concentrate for one second and win a Quick Contest of IQ plus Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table against his Will plus any Mind Shield levels. If you do not share a language with the subject or he is non-sapient, you only receive feelings, images and general intent. You may continue Mind Reading without further concentration but switching to another person requires a newQuick Contest.
On failure, you may try again at a cumulative -2 per repeated attempt. Critical failure means you cannot try again for 24 hours.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Costs Fatigue | -5%/level | B111 |
Costs 1 FP/level per attempt. |
Multiple Contacts | +50% | B62 |
You can maintain channels to several minds at once. Roll at a cumulative -1 per contact after the first. You can switch between established contacts without rolling, but you must focus on one contact at a time to read minds. In combat, choose whose mind you're reading each turn. |
Reduced Time | +20% | B108 |
Eliminates the 1 second concentration, making the first reading a free action. |
Universal | +50% | B69 |
You may read non-sapient beings and with those you don't share a common language. |
Mind Shield; Tele (see notes); 4 points/level; B70, P62
Warns of telepathic abilities used on you and adds to Will to block them. Maximum 10 levels. Maximum Racial Tele Talent sets maximum level allowed: 1 for up to level 4; 2 for up to level 6; 3 for up to level 8; 4 or 5 for up to level 10.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Affects Others | +50%/ person | P107 |
You may take a Ready maneuver to add your Mind Shield level to a willing recipient you touch. This is cumulative with any Mind Shield levels he has. You may only aid up to two people. |
Mindlink; Tele level 3; Variable cost; B71
You have a permanent telepathic rapport with someone - often a twin, loved one, hive member, etc. You may select a PC if the owning player is willing. You automatically succeed at all attempts to contact him with Telesend and Mind Reading, provided he chooses not to resist. Mindlink is limited to 0.1 light-year.
Mind link costs 5 points for a single person, 10 points for 2-9 people, 20 points for 10-99 people, 30 points for 100-999 people.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Precognition; ESP level 4; 25 points; B77, P68
You sometimes receives glimpses of interesting or important events that could happen at some unspecified, future date. You cannot control the contents of the visions and vary in length from a brief flash to a few minutes. When the GM thinks a premonition might be appropriate, he will make a secret IQ roll to trigger it, usually when meeting an important person, place or object.
The is really a plot device for the GM to show the most likely future but this is never certain. This is a space opera and various factions are trying to change the future to their liking, including the PCs.
You may deliberately trigger a premonition with 10 minutes of concentration, 2 FP and an IQ roll plus ESP Talent minus 8. You may see the future of someone else by touching their skin but they see your visions as well. This may happen accidently for monumental events, which is why seers usually wear gloves.
This ability includes Danger Sense; do not take both.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Precognition | ESP | 25 | 4 | B77, P68 |
Special Rapport; Tele level 2; 5 points; B88, P77
You have a unique bond with another person and you always know when your partner is in trouble, in pain, lying or in need of help, no matter where he is. Your partner must also have this ability and receives the same benefits. Whenever a partner is alerted, the ability can be detected but never blocked.
You cannot use this for powerful NPCs who qualify as Patrons but can be applied between PCs with a good backstory.
Telecommunication (Telesend); Tele level 3; 15 points; B91, P81
You can transmit verbal thoughts at the speed of speech or images at the speed of drawing to another person, even if he has no telepathic abilities, but he must understand the language you are using. You must establish contact by concentrating for one second and making an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent minus range penalties under Long Distance Modifiers (B241). If you cannot see or sense your subject, you have an additional penalty : -1 for family, lovers or close friends; -3 for casual friends and acquaintances; or -5 for someone met only briefly. Subsequent transmission does not require concentration and is a free action. You can maintain multiple contacts, but the IQ roll is at a cumulative -1 per contact after the first.
The cost is half normal as much the same effect can be achieved through common technology.
Modifier | Type | Mandatory | Cost | Level | Ref | Notes |
Telepathic | Yes | -10% | B257, P28 |
Can be detected or blocked by other teeps or hi-tech. |
Broadcast | +50% | B91 |
You transmit your thoughts to everyone in a selected radius around you. This requires an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent minus the long-distance modifer of the desired radius and -4. |
Costs Fatigue | -5%/level | B111 |
Costs 1 FP/level per attempt. |
Reduced Time | +20% | B108 |
Eliminates the 1 second concentration to establish connection, making the first transmission a free action. |
Selective Area | +20% | B108,P105 |
Taken with Broadcast, you can select who, within range, receives your transmission. |
Universal | +50% | B91 |
Your messages are automatically translated into your subject's language. |
Video | +40% | B91 |
You are not limited to simple pictures. You can transmit real-time video of anything you can see. |
Example Psionic Abilities
The abilities below are synonyms for an ability with a specific set of modifiers.
360° Vision 40 points; Centauri only
360° Vision (Panoptic 2 +60%) [40].
You have a 360° field of vision even when blinded, though you still need light. You have no penalty to defend against attacks from the sides or rear: You can attack foes to your sides or rear without making a Wild Swing, but you are at -2 to hit due to the clumsy angle of attack (note that some Karate techniques do not suffer this penalty). Finally, you are at +5 to detect Shadowing attempts, and are never surprised by a danger that comes from behind, unless it also is concealed from sight.
Automatic Telepathic Detection 7 points; all races except Narn
Detect (Psionics; Reflexive +40%) [5].
Whenever any telepathic ability, except detection or Mindshield, is used by a teep nearby, affects a target nearby or is within twice the radius of a broadcast Telesend, the GM makes a Sense Roll -4 in secret plus your Acute Psionic Senses and Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table. The range penalty does not apply for broadcasts but add +4 if within the broadcast radius. You may concentrate to negate the -4 penalty. On success, you detect its direction and number of incidents, though not precisely. Make an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent to analyze; the greater the margin of success, the more details are known, as follows.
- 0 or more - type of ability.
- 2 or more - level of psionic Talent.
- 4 or more - target of ability; contents of an intercepted Telesend message.
- critical success - all above and modifiers of ability.
Instant Telecommunication plus Buddy List 70 points; all races except Narn and Pak'ma'ra
Telecommunications (Telesend; Broadcast +50%; Reduced Time +20%; Selective Area +20%; Telepathic -10%) [27] + Mind Reading (Reduced Time +20%; Telepathic -10%) [33] + Mindlink (2-9 people) [10].
You have a list of up to 9 trusted friends (Buddy List) that you can freely broadcast your thoughts and receive thoughts from as if speaking or drawing, though recipients must understand the language you're using and you can only receive from the person you're listening to at the time. You choose this person at the start of your turns. This telepathy can be detected or blocked and recipients must be within 0.1 light-year.
You can also telecommunicate with many others but you must make a roll to connect for transmission and another to connect for reception. For transmission to non-Buddies, make an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent minus range penalties under Long Distance Modifiers (B241) and cumulative -1 per connection after the first. If you cannot see or sense your subject, you have an additional penalty : -1 for family, lovers or close friends; -3 for casual friends and acquaintances; or -5 for someone met only briefly. You may connect to multiple people at once with an additional -4 penalty. For reception with a non-Buddy, you must be able to see or touch the subject and make a Quick Contest of IQ plus Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table against his Will plus any Mind Shield levels, even if he's willing. Reception with anyone else, even a Buddy, breaks the connection and switching reception back requires the Quick Contest again.
You need not establish a transmission connection for each reception connection or vice versa. Reception from an unwilling person and no transmission connection is straightforward, hostile mind reading.
Instant Telebroadcast plus Buddy List 37 points; all races except Narn and Pak'ma'ra
Telecommunications (Telesend; Broadcast +50%; Reduced Time +20%; Selective Area +20%; Telepathic -10%) [27] + Mindlink (2-9 people) [10].
You have a list of up to 9 trusted friends (Buddy List) that you can freely broadcast your thoughts as if speaking or drawing but you can't receive any replies and recipients must understand the language you're using. This telepathy can be detected or blocked and recipients must be within 0.1 light-year.
You can also telebroadcast to many others but you must make a roll to connect for transmission. For non-Buddies, make an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent minus range penalties under Long Distance Modifiers (B241) and cumulative -1 per connection after the first. If you cannot see or sense your subject, you have an additional penalty : -1 for family, lovers or close friends; -3 for casual friends and acquaintances; or -5 for someone met only briefly. You may connect to multiple people at once with an additional -4 penalty.
Mind Detection 27 points; all races except Narn and Pak'ma'ra
Detect (Sentient Beings; Telepathic -10%) [27].
You may detect sentient beings, including animals, regardless of intervening walls except those with Mind Shield that you fail to overcome (B70; GM rolls this in secret). Requires one second of concentration and the GM makes a secret Sense Roll plus your Acute Psionic Senses and Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table. On a success, you learn the direction and number of beings, though not precisely. Make an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent to analyze; the greater the margin of success, the more details are known, as follows.
- 0 or more - whether beings are sapient.
- 2 or more - whether beings are conscious.
- 4 or more - species of beings.
- critical success - vague mood of beings.
Mind Invisibility 70 points; Centauri, Humans, Minbari and Vree only
Invisibility (Can Carry Objects (Heavy) +100%; Glamour -5%; Non-troublemaker -20%; Switchable +10%; Telepathic -10%) [70].
You can compel people to subconsciously filter you out as too unimportant to be noticed, effectively making you invisible, if they fail a Will roll (see Glamour limitation below). Levels of Mind Shield add to Will. This illusion fails if you cause trouble or do something of concern, such as attacking someone, shutting down the central mainframe or remain in an area that's signposted as off-limits. Machines are not affected.
Mind Shield plus Buddy 6 points/level; all races except Narn
Mind Shield (Affects Others +50%) [6].
Warns of telepathic abilities used on you and adds to Will to block them. You may take a Ready maneuver to add your Mind Shield level to any one willing target you touch. Maximum 10 levels. Maximum Racial Tele Talent sets maximum level allowed: 0 for up to level 4; 1 for up to level 6; 2 for up to level 8; 3 or 4 for up to level 10.
Telepathic Detection 5 points; all races except Narn
Detect (Psionics) [5].
You may detect whenever a telepathic ability is used by a nearby teep, affects a nearby target or is used within twice the radius of a broadcast Telesend except detection or Mindshield, which are passive. Requires one second of concentration and the GM makes a secret Sense Roll plus Acute Psionic Senses and Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table. The range penalty does not apply for broadcasts but add +4 if within the broadcast radius. On a success, you learn the direction and number of incidents, though not precisely. Make an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent to analyze; the greater the margin of success, the more details are known, as follows.
- 0 or more - type of ability.
- 2 or more - level of psionic Talent.
- 4 or more - target of ability; contents of an intercepted Telesend message.
- critical success - all above and modifiers of ability.
Telepathic Empathy 11 points; all races except Narn
Empathy (Resistable -20%; Telepathic -10%) [11].
When you meet someone, you may ask the GM to make a Quick Contest of IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent against Will and any Mind Shield levels and tell you what you "feel" about him, such as loyalty or sincererity. On a failure, the GM lies. You get +3 Detect Lies, Fortune Telling and Psychology with someone you can converse with.
Telepathic Fast Talk 50 points; all races except Drazi, Narn and Pak'ma'ra
Mind Control (Fast Talk -60%; Independent +70%; Telepathic -10%) [50].
You can telepathically suggest a course of action that seems reasonable to the subject at face value, much like the Fast Talk skill (B195). The command need not be precise but are interpreted according to the subject's perspective. You must see or touch the subject, concentrate for a second and win a Quick Contest of your IQ modified by Telepathic Talent and range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table against his Will plus any Mind Shield levels. If successful, he will proceed to carry this out for one minute per point he lost the Quick Contest. He might realise his mistake afterwards. If unsuccessful, the subject dismisses the idea as an odd thought.
If the command isn't quite something he'd consider reasonable, he may do something else similar. Any attempt to suggest a command that is plainly stupid, pointless, suicidal or against the subject's nature fails.
Telepathic Stunning 28 points; all races except Drazi, Narn and Pak'ma'ra
Affliction 1 (Based on Will +20%; Malediction 2 +150%; No Signature +20%; Telepathic -10%) [28].
You may stun someone at a distance by concentrating. You must win a Quick Contest of your Will plus Telepathic Talent minus range penalties of the Size and Speed/Range Table against your opponent's Will plus any Mind Shield level. If you win, the victim is stunned (B420) and he may roll Will at the end of every second to recover.
Video Transmission 10 points; all races except Narn and Pak'ma'ra
Telecommunications (Telesend; Telepathic -10%; Video +40%) [20].
You can transmit everything you see and hear to another person, even if he has no telepathic abilities. You can also transmit your commentary but he must understand the language you are using. You must establish contact by concentrating for one second and making an IQ roll plus Telepathic Talent minus range penalties under Long Distance Modifiers (B241). If you cannot see or sense your recipient, you have an additional penalty : -1 for family, lovers or close friends; -3 for casual friends and acquaintances; or -5 for someone met only briefly. Subsequent transmission does not require concentration and is a free action. You can maintain multiple contacts, but the IQ roll is at a cumulative -1 per contact after the first.