GURPS 4 Babylon 5
Character Creation: Disdvantages

Bonus points for crippling yourself

Disadvantages give bonus points because your character is hurt by them. This can range from physical disabilities, unpopular behaviour to steadfastly remaining honourable. Some disadvtantages, such as Bloodlust or Manic-Depressive, can be difficult to roleplay or cause conflicts with other players. If you want to roleplay disadvantageous behaviour, such as Honesty, except when it's damaging, it can be taken as a Quirk (see B162).

Cost marked with * have Self-Control Rolls (see B121).

Athletic Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B123 Bad Back (Mild or Severe) -15 or -25  
B123 Bad Grip -5/level Firing guns also requires a good grip.
B139 Hunchback -10  
B141 Lame -10, -20 or -30  
B147 One Arm -20  
B147 One Hand -15  
B160 Unfit -5  
B160 Very Unfit    

Business and Wealth Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B26 Debt Varies This may need to be paid off as later income will dwarf this.
B25 Wealth (Struggling) -10 15,000 cr. This will need to be paid off as later income dwarfs this.
B25 Wealth (Poor) -15 6,000 cr. This will need to be paid off as later income dwarfs this.

Combat Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B127 Combat Paralysis -15  
B134 Easy to Kill -2/level  
B142 Low Pain Threshold -10  
B147 One Eye -15  
B150 Post-Combat Shakes -5*  
B155 Slow Healing -5 Max 1 level.

Exploration, Vehicle and Perception Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B129 Deafness -20  
B138 Hard of Hearing -10  
B144 Motion Sickness -10  
B144 Night Blindness -10  
B146 No Sense of Smell/Taste -5  

Investigative and Criminal Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B19 Dwarfism -15  
B134 Easy to Read -10  
B19 Fat -3 This mostly hinders Disguise and Shadowing. Buy other effects separately.
B20 Gigantism 0  
B137 Gullibility -10  
B19 Overweight -1 This mostly hinders Disguise and Shadowing. Buy other effects separately.
B18 Skinny -5 This mostly hinders Disguise and Shadowing. Buy other effects separately.
B19 Very Fat -5 This mostly hinders Disguise and Shadowing. Buy other effects separately.

Metagaming Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B160 Unluckiness -10  

Miscellaneous Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B122 Absent-Mindedness -15  
B122 Addiction Varies  
B122 Alcoholism Varies  
B122 Cannot Speak -15 Others will need to learn sign language.
B126 Chronic Pain Varies  
B126 Chummy -5  
B127 Colourblindness -10 The -1 penalty will also apply to any repairs or anything involving a computer display.
B129 Confused -10*  
B133 Duty Varies This will be difficult to devise as you must appear to be a free agent.
B136 Epilepsy -30  
B136 Flashbacks (Mild, Severe or Crippling) -5, -10 or -20  
B126 Gregarious -10  
HR3.2 Ham-Fisted -5 or -10  
B141 Klutz -5  
B143 Low Self-Image -10  
B125 Mute -25 Others will need to learn sign language.
B153 Short Attention Span -10*  
B141 Total Klutz -15  

Roleplaying Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B124 Bad Temper -10*  
B125 Bloodlust -10*  
B125 Bully -10*  
B125 Callous -5  
B125 Charitable -15*  
B125 Chronic Depression -15*  
B127 Code of Honour -5 to -15  
B128 Compulsive Behaviour -5 to -15*  
B129 Cowardice -10*  
B129 Curious -5*  
B130 Delusions -5 to -15  
B132 Disciplines of Faith (Mysticism or Ritualism) -10 or -5  
B137 Gluttony -5*  
B137 Greed -15*  
B137 Guilt Complex -5  
B138 Honesty -10*  
B139 Impulsive -10*  
B140 Incurious -5*  
B140 Indecisive -10*  
B140 Intolerance Varies You can be intolerant to a group but not a PC who's a member of that group because he's an exception.
B140 Jealousy -10  
B140 Killjoy -15  
B142 Laziness -10  
B142 Lecherousness -15*  
B142 Loner -5*  
B143 Manic-Depressive -20  
B144 Miserliness -10*  
HR3.3 No Sense of Humour -10  
B146 Obsession -5 or -10  
B148 Overconfidence -5*  
B148 Pacifism Varies  
B148 Paranoia -10  
B148 Phantom Voices -5, -10 or -15  
B148 Phobia (Being Alone, Blood, Crowds, Darkness, Death and the Dead, Enclosed Spaces, Heights, Loud Noises, Machinery, Number 13, Open Spaces, Psionic Powers, Sharp Things, Weapons) Varies*  
B153 Selfish -5*  
B153 Selfless -5*  
B153 Sense of Duty Varies  
B157 Stubbornness -5  
B159 Trickster -15*  
B159 Truthfulness -5*  
B160 Vow -5, -10 or -15  

Social Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
HR1.1 Appearance (Very Ugly) -15  
HR1.1 Appearance (Ugly) -10  
HR1.1 Appearance (Unattractive) -5  
B126 Clueless -10  
B136 Fearfulness -2/level  
B142 Low Empathy -20  
B146 Oblivious -5  
B146 Odious Personal Habit -5/level Max 4 levels.
B26 Reputation Varies  
B154 Shyness -5, -10 or -20  
B157 Stuttering -10  

Technical Disadvantages

Ref Name Cost Notes
B143 Low TL -5/level