GURPS 4 Babylon 5
Character Creation: Important Advantages

Character creation options that you'll need

These are the advantages that are likely to be useful in the campaign. Those not bulleted as primary cost half, which has already been included.

Academic Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
HR2.14 Talent (Life Sciences) 2½/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Logician) 2½/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Mathematical Ability) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Practical Theorist) 5/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Scientist) 5/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Space Cadet) 2½/level    

Artistic Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
HR2.14 Talent (Fashion Guru) 2½/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Gifted Artist) 2½/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Opinion Former) 5/level    

Athletic Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B56 Double-Jointed 15  
B55 Fit 5  
B56 Flexibility 5  
B75 Perfect Balance 15  
HR2.14 Talent (Animal Instincts) 5/level    
B55 Very Fit 15  

Business and Wealth Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B26 Independent Income 1/level Best if you start rich otherwise later income will dwarf this.
HR2.14 Talent (Business Acument) 10/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Red Tape Dispenser) 5/level  
HR1.3 Wealth (Comfortable) 10 60,000 cr.
HR1.3 Wealth (Comfortable x2) 15 120,000 cr.
HR1.3 Wealth (Wealthy) 20 150,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Wealthy x2) 25 300,000 cr. +1 Status free
HR1.3 Wealth (Very Wealthy) 30 600,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Very Wealthy x2) 35 1,200,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Very Wealthy x3) 40 1,800,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Very Wealthy x4) 45 2,400,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Filthy Rich) 50 3,000,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Filthy Rich x2) 55 6,000,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Filthy Rich x4) 60 12,000,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Filthy Rich x6) 65 18,000,000 cr. +1 Status free.
HR1.3 Wealth (Filthy Rich x8) 70 24,000,000 cr. +1 Status free.

Combat Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B39 Ambidexterity 5  
B43 Combat Reflexes 15 Standard for warrior types.
B54 Extra Attack 25 Max 1 extra attack.
B58 Hard to Kill 2/level Max 2 levels.
B59 Hard to Subdue 2/level Max 2 levels.
B59 High Pain Threshold 10 Standard for warrior types.
HR2.7 HUD Training (360° Vision) 5  
HR2.7 HUD Training (Laser Sensors) 10  
B79 Rapid Healing 5  
HR2.14 Talent (Anarchist) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Close Combat) 5/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Fancy Footwork) 10/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Marksman) 10/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Tussler) 10/level  
B79 Very Rapid Healing 15  

Cultural Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B65 Language Talent 10  
HR2.14 Talent (Encyclopaedic) 10/level  

Exploration, Vehicle and Perception Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B34 3D Spatial Sense 10  
B34 Absolute Direction 5  
B35 Acute Hearing 2/level  
B35 Acute Taste and Smell 1/level    
B35 Acute Touch 1/level    
B35 Acute Vision 2/level  
B40 Animal Empathy    
B71 Night Vision 1/level Max 4 levels.
HR2.14 Talent (3D) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Animal Friend) 2½/level    
HR2.14 Talent (One Step Ahead) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Speed Freak) 5/level  

Investigative and Criminal Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B39 Alternate Identity (Illegal) 15  
B51 Empathy 15  
B51 Sensitive 5  
HR2.14 Talent (Criminal Thinking) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Don't Mind Me) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (People Watcher) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Sly) 5/level  

Medical Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
HR2.14 Talent (Healer0 10/level  

Metagaming Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B43 Common Sense 5   You will normally be advised if a character is skilled enough to knows an action is highly unlikely but that doesn't cover all stupidity.
B51 Eidetic Memory 5  
B63 Intuition 15  
B66 Intuitive Mathematician 5  
B66 Lightning Calculator 2  
B66 Luck 15 Only the first level allowed.
B51 Photographic Memory 10  
B83 Serendipity 15  
HR2.11 Signature Gear Varies  

Miscellaneous Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
B36 Allies Varies  
HR2.3 Contacts Varies Vital in a conspiracy-ridden space opera where you have no direct authority or power. See Contact Examples.
HR2.5 Direct Line Varies See Contacts above.
B55 Favour Varies  
B55 Fearlessness 1/level   Max 4 levels. Fright Checks will be rare.
HR2.6 High Manual Dexterity 5/level Max 4 levels.
B72 Patron Varies This may be difficult to create as any Duty must be secret.
HR2.10 Preferred Supplier Varies See Contacts above.
B80 Resistant Varies This must be restricted to mundane hazards but Resistant to Psionics (+3) [10] is allowed.
B85 Single-Minded 5  
HR2.13 Special Dealer Varies See Contacts above.
HR2.14 Talent (Crisis Manager) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Data Processor) 10/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Gizmo Freak) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Master Planner) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Resourceful) 5/level  
B93 Tenure 5  
B96 Versatile    

Social Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
HR1.1 Appearance (Attractive) 5  
HR1.1 Appearance (Very Attractive) 10  
HR1.1 Appearance (Handsome) 15  
HR1.1 Appearance (Very Handsome) 20  
B43 Clerical Investment    
B41 Charisma 5/level Max 4 levels.
B41 Claim to Hospitality 1-10 You will have to explain this.
B29 Courtesy Rank 1  
B21 Fashion Sense 5  
B75 Pitiable 5  
B29 Religious Rank 1¼/level    
B26 Reputation Varies  
HR2.12 Social Regard (Pacifist; Humans and Abbi only) 2½/level  
HR2.12 Social Regard (Respected) 5/level You will have to explain this.
HR2.12 Social Regard (Venerated) 5/level If you really want to play an elderly person.
B28 Status 5/level Max 4 levels, which is enough to put you in Who's Who books.
HR2.14 Talent (Blackguard) 2½/level   Violent sociopaths won't be that common.
HR2.14 Talent (Blagger) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Child Empathy) 2½/level   Children aren't common.
HR2.14 Talent (EQ) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Mob Instincts) 5/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Natural Leader) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Perfect Timing) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Smooth Operator) 15/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Social Climber) 10/level  
B95 Unfazeable 15  
HR2.15 Voice 10  

Technical Advantages

Ref Name Cost Primary Notes
HR2.14 Talent (Artificer) 5/level    
HR2.14 Talent (Devious Wrecker) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Fault Finder) 5/level  
HR2.14 Talent (Systems Engineer) 5/level