Kurita - Stockpile fights back

Author: Matthew Greet
Affiliation: House Kurita

Command Cards: 36
     Battalion Support (x3)
     Combat Engineers (x2)
     ComStar Support (x4)
     Deep Lake (x3)
     It's a Trap!
     Outreach Mercenary Training (x2)
     Support: Assembly (x6)
     Support: Logistics (x4)
     Support: Munitions (x4)
     Support: Politics (x2)
     Treachery! (x3)
     Weapons Depot (x2)
BattleMech Cards: 22
     Avatar AV1-OB (x2)
     Cyclops CP 10-Z (x2)
     Grand Dragon DRG-5K (x2)
     Jenner JR7-D (x2)
     Katana CRK-5003-2 (x2)
     Panther PNT-10K (x2)
     Quickdraw QKD-4G (x2)
     Rakshasa MDG-1A (x2)
     Stalker STK-3F (x2)
     Trebuchet TBT-5N (x2)
     Whitworth WTH-1 (x2)
Mission Cards: 2
     Carpet Bombing
     Last Stand at Hanover

Kurita - Stockpile fights back created with the BattleTech Deck Builder
© 1998 by Dolphin Software